Difference Between Conveyors and Material Handling Systems in Automotive Industry

In the automotive industry, efficiency in material handling is crucial for maintaining productivity and accuracy on the assembly line.

Learn about the main types of conveyors used and their specific characteristics:

Skid Conveyor

Reliable and quiet system that allows simple longitudinal and transverse movement. It benefits bodies and trolleys by offering more stability, which is essential for a continuous flow in production.

EMS Conveyor

(Electrified Monorail System)

Overhead transport system that allows speed regulation and stopping with adjustable footprint in height and rotation of the transported body. Ideal for limited spaces, it facilitates the quick movement of automotive components.

LIFT Conveyor

Designed to lift components vertically, it maximizes the use of vertical space in multi-level factories by moving parts between different floors safely and efficiently.

P&F Conveyor(Power and Free)

Simple air-wheel drive system for centralized handling that supports a variety of height differences. It offers flexibility and precision, allowing you to uncouple and recoup conveyors as needed. Perfect for processes that require high adaptability, such as custom assembly.

AGV Conveyor (Automated Guided Vehicle)

Essential for automation, AGVs use sensors and navigation to transport components along pre-defined trajectories, ensuring safety and efficiency. Its versatility allows integration into various plant layouts.

Carraro Process Engineering provides automated handling systems for the automotive industry, from design to installation. Our turnkey solutions are reliable and advanced, offering customization to optimize your operation.

Get in touch to find out how we can elevate your plant’s performance.



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